Saturday, June 4, 2011

Day 1

This is my "I'm fed up with being overweight blog" and I hope it helps others.  I was the thin active outdoor person who got cancer and instead of getting the "make you thin" type, I got the makes me fat type that ended up in a full hysterectomy and lots of doctor visits and treatments.  I'm 5 foot 4 inches and 195 pounds.  I used to be 125 before I got sick.  

I'm not going to sugar coat it, I'm a stress eater and even when I'm really active, I still gain weight.  Some is medical but most is stress.   I also deal with lower back pain and a chesty bust or is it busty chest?  I'm hoping that too will change for the better!

Beet Juice Detox
Why start my day with beet Juice? The combination of 2 large beets, 2 medium apples and 2 large carrots (fully cleaned and sliced) contains vitamins A and C, and alkaline minerals such as calcium and potassium. It is also an excellent source of vitamin B-6, iron, and organic sodium and high in fiber. Beet juice is a liver detoxifier; in fact, it's so powerful that it must be used carefully. It detoxifies the liver so quickly it must be mixed with other juices so that all the toxins don't get blasted out into your bloodstream at once. This is why we mix it with the apples and carrots.  Plus it helps the flavor!  Now for the side effects....Burst of energy and you pee red.  


Two days ago I got a tooth pulled.  According to the dentist I grind my teeth due to stress and that plus an old filling caused my tooth to split in half so needed to be pulled.  My dentist suggested chicken broth, water, protein drinks and later soft foods.  What a perfect way to start my diet by being too sore to chew anything!  I don't recommend this but it helped.  I have not had a cup of coffee in two days and I drink warm green tea with no sugar then place the tea bag on my opening where the tooth was pulled for comfort.  Apparently tea has tannic acid that is good for forming the blood clot in your gum to help in the healing process.   I learn something new everyday!

Back to the plan!  I started off with a detox juice, then took my dogs for a walk around the running track for 30 minutes.  I'm supposed to take it easy when detoxing so the body doesn't get upset with all the changes.  I will drink 4 bottles of water at room temperature today and for lunch I'm having a vegetable broth.  Some people call it fasting or a liquid diet but its actually just cleaning out your system or rebooting your system to get ready for the changes.

This is a day to relax! I chose a weekend so I could just take it easy.  You might want to schedule this on a day you don't have to work AND if you have kids, let them know you need this day to relax before working out!

Before I started this adventure I spoke to all my family and friends.  You have to have support and the only way this is going to work, I have to know the people I love will love me enough to not tempt me and will push me to succeed.   I'm 45 and it gets harder and harder as you age to lose weight and get into shape.  If not now, when?  I'm no expert in weight loss but the thin me keeps me up at night with constant thought of guilt and regrets.  I'm a new grandparent and I have a 6mo. old grandson. I don't want him growing up knowing the fat me.  I want him to know the me inside that is just bursting to get out.

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