I'm not that great at typing so it took awhile for me to get this info together. I went to a Doctor who is a certified Nutritionist before I started the work out program at Alamo Shape and after my full exam I was told that before starting ANY diet I needed to clean my "filtering system" to help up your metabolism so I can burn fats easier. The liver needs to stay clean and free of toxins and impurities.
There was a lot of information I did not want to hear and some that explained what I was feeling. One of course it gallstones. I'm a huge candidate since I am over 40, I take estrogen, and I am over weight.
· Women between the ages of 20 and 40 are twice as likely to get gallstones than men are. Estrogen, the female sex hormone, increases the amount of cholesterol in the bile. Extra estrogen from birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy may further increase bile's cholesterol content. It also may slow gallbladder emptying, allowing bile to stand for longer periods of time.
· Pregnancy. Estrogen levels increase during pregnancy. The risk may increase with the number of pregnancies, since women who have been pregnant several times are at especially high risk for gallstones.
· Obesity. Being overweight tends to reduce the amount of bile salts in bile, so that less cholesterol can stay dissolved. Obesity also slows the rate at which the gallbladder empties. Some studies suggest that being even moderately overweight can increase the risk of gallstones.
· Rapid weight loss. "Crash diets" and fasting make the body burn, or metabolize, fat very rapidly. The liver reacts by releasing extra cholesterol into the bile. Fasting slows gallbladder emptying, since no food is present in the small intestine to signal the need for bile.
· Age. Although gallstones occur in younger people, especially women, most cases are diagnosed in people over age 60.
· Ethnic heritage. Native Americans have the highest rate of gallbladder disease in the U.S. Mexican-Americans also have an unusually high risk. Scientists believe these groups have a genetic tendency to produce bile with large amounts of cholesterol.
· Taking cholesterol-lowering drugs. Drugs that lower blood cholesterol may increase the amount of cholesterol passed out of the body in the bile.
So.... I am going to reboot my system! It does no good to eat smaller portions of food if I'm eating things that will make my body ill. I have to cleanse, change my eating portions AND what I eat and drink.
I cannot say this is for everyone and I do not suggest you do this without your doctor's OK but I would suggest you get a doctor who is also a nutritionist. Especially one who actually practices what he or she preaches!
My last doctor was overweight, he smoked and had a soda in his hand outside in his car as I was leaving the building. Hard to take anyone seriously who does not take his own advise! It would be like me going to a hair stylist who looked like she rolled out of bed and came to work. Why should she care about my hair when she doesn't care about her own?
I was told this liver cleanse works best:
Cleansing the liver of gall stones dramatically aids digestion, which in turn improves general health. Here are the 3 stages in a successful liver cleanse:
Stage 1: Prepare for the cleanse by drinking fresh apple juice for 3 days. Meals should be small amounts of raw salad or unprocessed fruit.
Stage 2: Buy the liver cleanse ingredients:
Epsom Salts, 4 tablespoons mixed in 4 cups of water, Olive Oil,Fresh Grapefruit juice and Lemon juice
Stage 3: Do the cleanse. Choose a Saturday if possible! Here is the routine you should follow -
(i) Eat a very light breakfast and lunch of fruit and vegetables.
(2) At 6pm, drink 1 cup of the Epsom Salt water. Repeat at 8pm.
(3) At 10pm, mix the fruit juices and one cup of olive oil. Drink it, go to bed and get a good sleep while the cleanse does its work!
(4) At 7am, drink 1 cup of the Epsom Salt water. Repeat at 9am and finish the mixture.
(5) Eat only light fruits and vegetables for the rest of the day. Your liver should be cleansed of gall stones and by the evening you should feel great!
Foods to Eat
Unrefined Complex Carbohydrates
Important as they provide vitamins, trace minerals, fiber, and protein. These include brown rice, oatmeal, and wholemeal, barley, and rye products.
Fruits contain important antioxidants and necessary dietary fiber. Apples, pears and oranges are particularly high in pectin which is a great intestinal tract cleanser. Watermelon is also great - it contains important vitamins and minerals such as lycopene, beta carotene, zinc, and selenium.
All veggies contain the vitamins and minerals necessary for a healthy body and liver. Legumes, cabbage, garlic and onions contain high amounts of sulfur - this is great for the liver by locking on to metallic toxins and excretes them.
Nuts and Seeds
Raw organic nuts provide good fats to the body as well as vitamin E, potassium, and folic acid. Flaxseed oil is extremely high in omega-3 essential fatty acids, which are powerful antioxidants and also have anti-inflammatory properties.
Foods to avoid
High-glycemic Foods
High-glycemic foods raise blood sugar fast, and are linked to contributing to fatty liver. High-glycemic foods include:- White bread
- White rice
- Most prepared breakfast cereals
- Concentrated sugar
Foods to Avoid
Red Meat
Fried foods
Soft drinks
Coffee and tea
Sugar or sugar substitutes
White flour products
White rice
Drinks to help your liver
Fresh veggie and fruit juice, lemon water, dandelion tea, rice and almond milk.
Liver Supplements
Milk Thistle
This herb cleanses and protects the liver from toxic substances such as alcohol, drugs, heavy metals, pollution and pesticides.
Dandelion Root
This herb increases bile production in the liver, helping digestion.
Liver Detox Drink Recipe
This is a delicious easy drink to make. Add all ingredients into the blender and voila!
A handful of spinach
1 apple
1 banana
1 lemon (squeezed)
Half a chili pepper (optional)
1 garlic clove or as much as desired (optional)
1 glass of water
Sample Meal:
scramble 2 eggs
add veggies (mix in or serve as side dish)
have orange for dessert
add fresh lemon juice to glass of water
1 fruit and 2 carrots
dark green salad with beets, artichokes, 6oz lean protein (No red meat)
Baked apple with cinnamon and nutmeg
Big portions of cauliflower, broccoli and 6oz lean protein (No red meat)
Oh and just so you know- most diets are temporary, they put your body into shock and leave you imbalanced health-wise. It's better to change what you eat and drink first then work your way down to smaller portions to keep your body from making you completely miserable. Also use a smaller plate. I'm told it works to only fill up a small plate (salad plate) this way you are not tempted to fill a larger one.
Well- I'm off to try this and will let you know my progress....
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